
Three of Cups – Good Gangnam addition

A new little café only 5 minutes walking from Gangnam station that we stumbled into: Three of Cups.

Naver maps link: Three of Cups 서울 서초구 서초대로74길 45 엔데버타워 1층

Google maps:

The cafe is set up in the lobby of an office building. Smart way to use space. A long counter that is great to watch the coffee preparation. A small searing corner to enjoy coffee after. It’s all there.

There were plenty of different beans to choose from:

Preparation was unfortunately not supported by any timer or scale. Carafe and filter were rinsed to heat them up and clean them, though. The rest was done based on experience and intuition.

A nice touch: the barista let the guests try the brew from a small cup first and then offered to adjust strength by adding water.

The result was a very sweet toffee-rich taste (had picked the Kenyan beans). We would still recommend, Three of Cups as the result was great – but things could probably be a little more standardized to ensure even more consistency over time.

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